Saturday, September 8, 2012

Competent Communicator

As I began to think about those who I feel are competent communicators, I thought about the upcoming Presidential election. As I viewed both the speeches of the Democratic and Republican nominees this past week, I felt empowered by the speech of President Barack Obama. His honesty, intonation, direct eye contact, motivation and the clarity in not only this speech but all of his speeches have provided a standard for me to follow. His love for God, his family and the U.S. is evident in his speeches and the passion in which he exudes during his speeches are quite motivational.

I have a great fear in public speaking but as I watch how great of an orator President Obama is, I would like to model his intonation and the clarity with which he speaks. His abilities to persuade and motivate others are attributes that I would like to have.


  1. He is a VERY GOOD choice as an example of someone that communicate both appropriately and reach the hearts and minds of his listeners. I like his nonverbal body language, especially when speaking about some really important. I, like you, am not running first in line to speak publicly; however, as an Independent Consultant for Thirty-One Gifts, I do have to occasionally speak in front of groups of people. With this, I am able to work on public speaking and feeling comfortable in front of large crowds. Thanks for sharing your blog!

  2. Anetria,

    I also enjoy president Obama's speech delivery. He has such charisma with his body language and communication tone. He is a unique person to articulate. I also liked you examples that you gave to substantiate your choice. Good Luck!

  3. Anetria,
    What a great choice. I couldn't have chosen a better person myself. His demeanor,personality, and body language speaks volumes to me.
    His articulation is great as well. Nice choice.

  4. I am not big on politics but from what I have heard, Obama is a great communicator. He always seems so confident and sure of himself which are definitely qualities that are important when communicating especially if you are the President of the United States.
