Sunday, September 16, 2012

Communication on Mute

For this week's assignment, I chose to observe the TV series The Big Bang Theory. While first observing the show on mute, I observed the relationships between the characters to be mutual friends and for some they were roommates. During most of the show, the characters were usually at the apartment of their friends having lunch/dinner and they were also at what appeared to be a lunch or breakroom eating. A lot of this show appeared to be centered around meeting up with friends and eating. The friends also appeared to be "nerds" and their love of food, science and video games their friendships appeared strong. By spending a significant amount of time with one another, eye contact, close body promixity and postures the friends are like family. During their interactions, I observed their feelings of disgust, annoyance, happiness and embarrassment especially by their facial expressions body movements.

A few assumptions that I made while observing this show include: all of the male characters were roommates and all of the characters were extremely intelligent. The assumption of the plot that I made was that two of the male characters when one became upset in regards to his roommate waking him up early for work. This cause so much friction in their friendship to were they only gave each other a head nod during most of the episode.

During this assignment, I found that my assumptions would have been a bit more accurate had the series I watched was a show I know well. However, I do feel that my assumptions were correct in the relationships with at least two of the characters. My "aha" moment was finding out that this episode centered on the selfishness of Sheldon and his need to have his roommate do everything for him. I found that it is not always the external factors that make-up who people are but more importantly what is on the inside that makes up who someone is.


  1. I had the same realizations you did- that already knowing characters helps to decipher nonverbal language when verbal language is on "mute". The combination of verbal and nonverbal communication helps us get a more holistic perception of someone.

  2. Ms. Conyers,
    I thought you selected a very interesting show.I have never seen it, but it does sound a lot like the sitcom friends. I think you are correct when you said that if it were a series you had seen your assumptions would have been different.

