Sunday, October 14, 2012


Throughout one's life there are numerous instances in which group work presents itself. While working in groups individuals participate in five stages of group/team development. These five stages include: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The last stage adjourning occurs when the group work has ended and the group members are given a chance to reflect on their experiences. (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012). Participating in group work is an experience that everyone will partake in.

When I recollect on my group experiences I have found that one groups that share common goals, possess clear and establishes norms while learning to perform to to reach the goals. The group that was difficult to leave occurred when I was a participant in the TRiO/Upward Bound Program. This program allows for at-risk teenagers and first generation potential college students to experience life as a college student. This six-week summer program taught us about time management, self-sufficiency, autonomy, education, people skills diversity and etc. This program taught us how to work in groups and how to be independent as well. Living in the dorms with new people and other life skills were also learned. I think that living in close quarters and interacting with other students on a daily basis for six weeks helped mold long-lasting friendships. I was in this program for two summers and our closing rituals included a ceremony/graduation of each participant. We would receive individual awards and have a celebratory dinner that included our families. This adjournment was hard for me as the participants and staff became a significant aspect of my life.

As I think about the adjournment from this Master's level program, I think that outside from graduation, my colleagues and I will be able to express our accomplishments and experiences via our blogs and within our course site. In general, the stage of adjournment allows for thoughtful recollection of past, present and future goals.

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely see how a group like that would be hard to part with, especially when you have been placed in a position to gain so much and help change the lives of others. I also agree that we can keep in touch after we complete our graduate journeys. I look forward to hearing about how you are doing years down the road from now!
