Saturday, April 14, 2012


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is an organization that advocates for fair, equal and quality education for young children. Their mission includes: to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, cultural communication and information (

Through reviewing the site, I have found three insights that I am anxious to learn more about.

1. Through literature, children are are to learn more of their plight of their African counterparts in the children's African book series Bouba and Zaza. Through the lives of two African children, others learn about war and conflict, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the issue of water resources and environmental protection ( These topics are prevalent in Africa and all poor children are affected by them.

2. UNESCO also discusses Global Action Week which is April 22-28th, 2012. This week focuses on securing quality education for all children. I am very interested in this cause and plan to return to this site to gain more information on the daily issues that will be addressed.

3. Last, UNESCO discussed the increasing number of children who are placed in home-based childcare services in New Zealand as their mothers enter the workforce. These services are also becoming more focused on education and the children are being equally educated as the children who are in center-based childcare. This information was nearly ten years old and I am interested in learning how this information has changed.

This site provides great information and is a great resource for all childhood professionals.


  1. Anetria,
    I also reviewed the UNESCO web site and agree that the information available helps expand our understanding of early childhood issues all over the world. I have not made any contact with other professionals so the additional international web resources everyone has shared are very helpful. I found the videos very interesting. It will certainly be a resource I will add to my list and use going forward.

  2. The issues you touched base with from this website have also grasped my attention. I think Global Action week is a fantastic idea and it also shows that we also have an impact being in a complete different country. It is also interesting to see/read how mother's going to work is becoming a known culture for families outside of the United States. Thanks for sharing your information!
