Hi All,
This has been an interesting and enlightening course. I have learned a great deal about to how communication builds or destroys relationships within one's professional and personal lives. With this increased knowledge and techniques, I feel that I am better equipped to effectively communicate. I would also like to thank my colleagues for their viewpoints, experiences, and suggestions throughout this course. I have read how other's have reacted or can react in situations and been provided feedback that will be utilized in the present as well as the future.
Furthermore, as we venture into our next course and throughout our personal lives, I wish all of you good luck and prosperity. It has been wonderful interacting with so many educated and professional people who possess so much knowledge in a field that is somewhat new to me.
Anetria, I have enjoyed having you in more than one class. Your insights have always increased my thinking and led me to consider other options and ways of thinking. I appreciate your responses to my blog and discussion posts and wish you the best of luck in your future!