Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Family Culture

If my immediate family and I were evacuated to a host country with different cultures, three items that I would bring with me include: my Bible, a cookbook and a picture of my immediate and extended family. I would choose these three items as they are items that keeps my family together. My Bible is the foundation of the family and through God and our faith we understand that God is with us at all times. I would also share our family scripture, Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." This scripture after every prayer at all family events; as it is recited by my 90-year-old great-grandmother, so it is very near and dear to me. Although, it is may seem simple, a cookbook is important because it will bring memories of how my parents have taught me to cook and also bring memories of family cook-outs, dinners and any other celebration that brings the family out from their busy schedules. Being with family is very important to me and food is a way that we show our love and appreciation to one another. Two recipes that I would share are my grandmother's strawberry cake and my mother's baked macaroni and cheese. My last item that I would bring is a picture of my immediate and extended family. We are a small family so extended family is also considered immediate family. This includes my uncles, aunts, cousins, and nephews. I would point out every family member and explain their relationship to me and the importance as each person holds a very special place in my heart. If told that I could only keep one item and I had to give up two items I would be very upset to the point of crying hysterically and then anger but knowing that my memories will help me remember my family and culture, I believe that I would eventually come to terms with this rule.

One insight that I have learned from this exercise is that all the things that I make important in life such as a phone or computer are not as important as I think they are. I also learned that my values, beliefs and relationships with my family are more important than any device and have long-lasting effects on me which I can then teach others.


  1. Wow! We both picked a cookbook. I think your family must be very similar to mine in that most family events aren't complete without food! Now, if you only were able to keep one of the three items that you chose, which one would it be? Thanks for sharing!

  2. Anetria, What beautiful thoughts! I found this assignement a great way to take time to reflect too on what is really important in my life. We share very similar things in that respect. Our family too is very small so we include what many people thinks of as extended familiy in our immediate circle. Funny thing too, food always seems to be part of the gathering for us as well!
