Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Importance of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural part of human development and life, however, many woment choose not to breastfeed their newborn and babies and instead feed their children baby formula. This topic is both meaningful and important to me as when I begin to plan to have children, I also plan to breastfeed. I would like to gather and utilize as much information on this topic as possibe to become well-informed.

Some information that I have gathered from the Berger (2009) text states that Compared with cow's milk, human milk is sterile, at body temperature, with iron, vitamins and other nutrients for brain and body. Also, Berger (2009) includes other breastfeeding benefits such as:
  • Babies who are breasefeed are less likely to get sick
  • Breastfeeding lower risks of childhood and adulthood disease
  • Provides immediate bonding of infant-mother
  • Reduces infant death in developing countries.

In researching the act of breatfeeding in Australia this is what I have found (

Percentage of Babies Breastfed in Australia in 1995

Never breastfed12.4 %

Breastfed...87.6 %
Less than one week 1.9 %
Two weeks or more77.7 %
Two months or more68.1 %
Six months or more47.1 %
One year or more15.3 %
Unknown duration 2.3 %

Also, in Australia, recommend exclusive breastfeeding of infants until six months of age, with the introduction of solid foods at around six months and continued breastfeeding until the age of 12 months – and beyond, if both mother and infant wish. ( The Australian Government offers 24-hour telephone service to its citizens who seek breastfeeding advice and millions of dollars have been spent on researching breastfeeding, its benefits and Australia's committment its children and families.


  1. I definitely think breast feeding is important. When I was faced with the questions on if I were going to breast feed or not, at first I was a little skeptical. My delivery did not go as planned and there was miscommunication on if I was going to breast feed, so they instantly gave my infant a bottle.... yes, making it ever so hard for him to latch on so the breast feed-latch on process failed; however, I was still able to pump and give my son nutrients that way. I recommend all women to at least try to breast feed. Great post, thanks for sharing detailed information! :)

  2. Thank you for sharing your posting about breastfeeding. It is a topic that often seems go through fazes. Sometimes you hear how critical it is for healthy babies. Other times it seems like people can't wrap their heads around it! No matter what, you can't deny the health benefits for babies. I found the data from Australia interesting.
