Saturday, December 24, 2011

Children's Quote

"America's future will be determined by the home and the school. The child becomes largely what it is taught, hence we must watch we teach it, how we live before it." -Jane Addams

I chose this picture as it encompasses the meaning of teamwork, respect and love for others. I believe that children need to be taught the valuable lesson of respect for one another at an early age.

Also, I would like to thank my colleagues for their knowledge and experiences that they were willing to share as their stories have challenged my way of thinking and provided me with a breadth of knowledge that I can now pass on to others. I wish everyone the best in their future endeavors.


Saturday, November 26, 2011


A family of three living on $17,400 a year is not only poor, but officially is considered living in poverty by the U.S. government...therefore, there are approximately 46 million people living in poverty in the United States today (Kochakian, 2011). In addition, Children who live in poverty, especially young children, are more likely than their peers to have cognitive and behavioural difficulties, to complete fewer years of education, and, as they grow up, to experience more years of unemployment ("More than," 2011).

In my current profession, I work with families from various socioeconomic backgrounds and many of these families are apart of the 46 million Americans living in poverty. I learned of poverty at an early age and can remember giving to those on need be it clothes, food or volunteering and I continue to give throughout my adulthood. Through conversation, I found that a close friend grew up living in poverty. She has reported that her mother was a single parent raising two young children in the inner city. This friend experienced housing instability, living in a home (at times) with no electricity or gas and also utilizing local food pantries to "stock up" on essentials for proper nutrition until the monthly food stamps were replenished the following month. She always reports that she has had to work three times as hard as others to "get out the hood." She states that growing up in poverty has taught her to value education and hard work. As a 29 year old mother and wife, she has since graduated college and has obtained two Master's degrees and holds a prominent position in the west coast.

Fortunately, she was able to end the generation cycle of poverty however many children are unable to do so. For instance, Brazil implemented the Zero Hunger program in 2003 to fight hunger and give children hope for the future (Frayssinet, 2011). This one program has reportedly uplifted 28 million people out of poverty. Those in Brazil (16 million) live on less than $41 dollars a month which includes entire families.

Fabiana Frayssinet. (2011, November 8). BRAZIL: TAKING THE FIGHT AGAINST HUNGER
ABROAD. Global Information Network. Retrieved November 26, 2011, from ProQuest Central.
(Document ID: 2506684091).

Kochakian, Charles. (2011, November 21). Revised portrait of U.S. poverty; Census report shows
effects of public welfare, health care costs. New Haven Register,A.4. Retrieved November 26,
2011, from ProQuest Central. (Document ID: 2517414361).

More than 1 in 5 U.S. children are poor: census. (2011, November 18). Calgary Herald,A.14.
Retrieved November 26, 2011, from ProQuest Central. (Document ID: 2515892621).

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Importance of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural part of human development and life, however, many woment choose not to breastfeed their newborn and babies and instead feed their children baby formula. This topic is both meaningful and important to me as when I begin to plan to have children, I also plan to breastfeed. I would like to gather and utilize as much information on this topic as possibe to become well-informed.

Some information that I have gathered from the Berger (2009) text states that Compared with cow's milk, human milk is sterile, at body temperature, with iron, vitamins and other nutrients for brain and body. Also, Berger (2009) includes other breastfeeding benefits such as:
  • Babies who are breasefeed are less likely to get sick
  • Breastfeeding lower risks of childhood and adulthood disease
  • Provides immediate bonding of infant-mother
  • Reduces infant death in developing countries.

In researching the act of breatfeeding in Australia this is what I have found (

Percentage of Babies Breastfed in Australia in 1995

Never breastfed12.4 %

Breastfed...87.6 %
Less than one week 1.9 %
Two weeks or more77.7 %
Two months or more68.1 %
Six months or more47.1 %
One year or more15.3 %
Unknown duration 2.3 %

Also, in Australia, recommend exclusive breastfeeding of infants until six months of age, with the introduction of solid foods at around six months and continued breastfeeding until the age of 12 months – and beyond, if both mother and infant wish. ( The Australian Government offers 24-hour telephone service to its citizens who seek breastfeeding advice and millions of dollars have been spent on researching breastfeeding, its benefits and Australia's committment its children and families.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Although, I have yet to become pregnant and give birth; I have had the joyous experience of witnessing the birth of my cousin, who is now four years old. I have assisted her mother, who is also my cousin throughout her pregnancy and after three failed trips to the birthing center in four days. Sh'Miyae was born on March 31, 2007, a beautiful and healthy baby girl. This was a happy time for everyone. I remember Sh'Miyae's mother refusing Epidural and the pain she suffered while giving birth. I also remember her wanting to watch Sh'Miyae be delivered as well. The on-lookers attempted to have her relax, breath and focus on a picture in the room however she had other plans. I sat and watched her scream, kick nurses and be an on-looker herself as Sh'Miyae was being delivered. We were a little scared because after Sh'Miaye was delivered she was not breathing correctly and there was a sense of fear and panic in the room which quickly subsided as her breathing was back to normal. I chose this example because its an example of a normal birth. This year, I have also had the unfortunate opportunity of witnessing the birth of a child that was born twenty-two before gestation and he did not survive. Witnessing these two births provided me with the opportunities to view both the ups and downs of pregnancy and childbirth and child development. In one of my favorite books, Yesterday, I Cried by Iyanla Vanzant, Mrs. Vanzant summarizes that the in which one comes into the world, is the way one behaves, thinks and personality traits. An example would be if a child is breeched and comes out of his or her mother's womb feet first. I would like to test this theory out.

Berger (2009) writes that In the United States, only 1 percent of births take place at home. I assumed that this number would be at least 5 percent. However, in other countries most births are at home. For example, in China babies are born at home (now in some hospitals) in an armchair or futon with the assistance of a midwife, the baby and mother are put on a "sit the month" which means the mother is free of household duties/chores and nurses herself and the baby for an entire month. The husband is not allowed to care for the child during this time. Also, during this time the baby receives its first bath on day 3. This birthing practice is complete opposite of what I have witnessed as ShiMiaye was cleaned, fed and observed by staff for one day. Then, she and her mother were eventually released from the birthing center the next day.  In American births, most are completed in a hospital and if the baby and mother are doing well then they are released within one to three days. The Chinese mother gets at least 30 days to bond and take care of herself and child while the American mother is sent home and scheduled for a doctor visit. The time time that the Chinese mother spends with her child allows the parent/child bond to strengthen and also encourages a trusting relationship as this mother's only duty is to take care of the child which further allows for healthy development for the child.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Good Luck

I would like to take this time to give a special thanks to all of my colleagues for their words of encouragement, support, advice and enlightenment. I feel so much more comfortable with continuing my Master's Program and also pursuing my dreams. This has been a wonderful experience.

Also, I wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors and in the educational journey at Walden University.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Professional Code of Ethics

1. To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships
with the families we serve
2. We shall use every resource, including referral when appropriate,
to ensure high quality services are accessible and are provided to
children and families
3. We shall demonstrate our respect and appreciation for all families'
beliefs, values, customs, languages, and culture relative to their
children toward achieving meaningful and relevant priorities and
outcomes families' desire for themselves and their children

I chose these three professional codes of ethics because oftentimes,
families that are receiving help and/or assistance are somewhat
intimidated or feel "less" than the professional(s) that are providing
services. Therefore, in order to effectively service children and
their families, a professional must develop a professional supportive
and trustworthy relationship with these families. In this
relationship, the professional must also respect the families'
history, culture and etc without placing judgment. Families have a
kind of "sixth sense" of people who are there to help or just doing
their job. I take these codes seriously as I truly want to help
children and their families.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Course Resources

Available Resources Related to the Early Childhood Field:

Children’s Rights and Well-Being

Selected Early Childhood Organizations

Professional Journal in the Walden Library
  • YC Young Children
  • Childhood
  • Journal of Child & Family Studies
  • Child Study Journal
  • Multicultural Education
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Journal of Early Childhood Research
  • International Journal of Early Childhood
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Social Studies
  • Maternal & Child Health Journal
  • International Journal of Early Years Education
Early Childhood Professionals:

Jean Piaget (1896-1980)

Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934)

Web Links for Informative Information:

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

"But we must also improve the lives of children already born in the villages and towns and cities on this earth. They can be taught by great teachers by space communicators and the miracle of satellite television- and we ware going to bring to bear every resource of mind and technology to help make this dream come true." -President Lyndon B. Johnson

"…I was 14 the night Daddy died. He had holes in his shoes, but he had two children who had graduated from college…and a vision that he was able to convey to me even dying in an ambulance: that I, a young black girl, could be and do anything, that race and gender are shadows, and character, self-discipline, determination, attitude and will are the substance of life. " -Marian Wright Edelman

"I hope you will dream a new world, I hope you will believe you can achieve it, I hope you will have faith in yourself, I hope you will struggle to make sure that this is a world where every child can succeed as you have." -Marian Wright Edelman

"All children are taught in ways that will make them reach their maximum potential."
-Louise Derman-Burkes

"All education is a civil rights issue." -Renatta M. Cooper

Friday, September 23, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

Twin brothers, Stewart (left) and Steven
My Support System: Tamiko, my mother because she has taught me the unconditional love, the value of a good education and a great work ethic. My mother is my best friend and I visit her or speak with her on a daily basis. She continues to support me in every decision that I make and continues to encourage me.

Jill, my maternal aunt as she and I are just alike. I see myself in my aunt as she is a firm believer in showing "tough love."  She continues to encourage me to further my education and travel the world because "they are just so many opportunities out there."

My twin brothers; Stewart and Steven. I chose my brothers because I am their protector and becaude of our close bond. They are only three year younger than me and I know that they look up to me, not only as their sister but a friend and a role model. Being that following my dreams have been instilled in me, I also provide "the boys" with this mindset.

Todd, my little "cousin/child." I call him this because he is my cousin but people believe that I am his mother. I have watched in amazement how this baby that I literally baby-sat since birth has now grown into this smart, handsome, athletic young adult. Parents, now I know how you all feel about your childewn. I feel so proud to say that he is now in college and chasing his dream of playing college sports.
Mother, Tamiko (left) and Aunt Jill
Todd "TJ"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Children's Book

I chose this book because it is my favorite both past and present. As a it reflects the loving bond between a parent and child. This family dynamic has a positive influence on the child which can be observed in a child's confidence, self-esteem and how that child's interactions with others.

My Meaningful Quote

"What noble employment is more valuable to the state than that of the man who instructs the rising generation?'   -Cicero

This quote is meaningful to me as I see the positive influence that I have on children in any setting. I think back to moving to a new school in the third grade and becoming a tutor to a child that was in the second grade. This child is now one of my best friends. Through teaching (back then I thought I was just helping) not only have I given back to others but I have also made a lifelong friendship. I also felt the intrinsic rewards of helping and knew that helping others, especially children was what I wanted to do as adult.